Ways to help
Become a Dogsbody
Dogsbodies are the most valued people who go out and hide for our dogs on our Training and Assessments Courses. Dogsbodies assist from the very start of the dogs training. Their help and their safety are paramount to our Association.
When working with the puppies they help to get the dog socialised with strangers and encourage the dog to bark on command. This is how our dogs indicate they have found.
As a Dogsbody, you will be part of an on-going Search Dog Training programme, in all weathers in winter and summer. With your help and time, hopefully, it will make an enormous impact in the different training aspects and stages that the dogs have to achieve.
New bodies are always welcome, and mentored at first. They are encouraged to start with the young puppy dogs in their socialising stage. Then move on through the different training stages.
It is most rewarding to watch a young dog, move through these stages, gaining more experience, getting and better and better till it hopefully make the grading of Full Search Dog.
Knowing you have been there as part of that dog’s training is fantastic. Even more so, when that dog and it’s Handler help to save someone’s life.

Sign up as a dogsbody

If you have looked at the Training Dates, you will have seen that Training takes place in many different parts of the country, maybe even in your own area.
Travelling may be a problem for you, so it can help if you join with existing Members perhaps sharing the cost of travel if you so wish.
If you feel that you too would like to be a “dogsbody” and you are over 18 years old, please do contact me via e-mail could you include in your email where in the country you are located.
I will be glad to be of any assistance I can, and answer any questions you may have.
To contact me please email secretary@mrsde.org.uk
Looking forward to hearing from you in the future.